Research Showcase – Sept 30, 2023

Sep 30, 2023


Little Rock, UAMS, I. Dodd Wilson building

The Arkansas Society of Pathologists (ASP) Research Showcase will be held in conjunction with the Pathology Update provided by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

The ASP Research Showcase is a collegial program sponsored by the Arkansas Society of Pathologists. The purpose of the events is to promote a broad range of research in pathology in Arkansas. Therefore, abstracts previously used for other conferences from the previous academic year (2022-2023) may be submitted (for example: CAP, ASCP, API, AMP, UAMS, etc).

The Research Showcase provides the opportunity to present original research to peers in a poster presentation format. The Education Committee of the Arkansas Society of Pathologists will evaluate abstract submissions to this program. In addition, the ASP Research Showcase offers a unique experience for pathologists, residents, and medical students to enhance research skills, develop writing techniques, gain practical experience at presenting their findings, and contribute to the advancement of pathology.

Abstracts will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Novelty/ teaching value
  • Impact, potential to change practice
  • Valid conclusion(s) / Clarity of analysis
  • Presentation quality


Important Dates to Remember:

July 1, 2023:  Abstract submission begins at 8 a.m. Central time

August 31, 2023: Abstract submission closes at 5 p.m. Central time. No changes will be allowed once the abstract has been submitted. Incomplete submissions, and those that exceed the word count limit, will not be considered for the ASP Abstract Program.

September 11, 2023: Authors will be notified of submission status

September 30, 2023: Authors will present posters and be available for presentation and judging

Submit Abstracts to: by August 31,2023.

The authors will be notified of their submission status on September 11, 2023. Authors with accepted submissions will receive specific information regarding poster presentation requirements in their acceptance notification email on September 11, 2023.


Abstract Guidelines: The abstract should not exceed 300 words, which applies to the text of the abstract but does not include tables or figures. Do not use abbreviations unless they appear 3 or more times. The abstract may include a single table and/or a single figure that contains up to 4 smaller figures (a “composite figure”).

The Introduction should clearly characterize the scientific question investigated or, in the case of lab practice or educational practice abstracts, the problem, dilemma or case to be addressed. Background information should be provided to the extent that it introduces the current study and documents its importance to the literature. 

Methods used in the study should be briefly explained in this section. For example, with scientific abstracts, what essential reagents were used, what patients or tissue samples were studied, what special techniques were applied and how. The methods should explain the strategy or resolution employed to resolve the issue.  The number of patients, cases, or samples studied should be included in this section. Identify the control group selected and those conditions that would exclude cases from the study.

Results Results of significant positive and negative findings should be presented as concisely as possible. Make sure any conclusions you reach are supported by the data presented. When expressing laboratory values, use conventional units followed by SI units in parentheses.

Conclusions should be stated concisely and include any recommendations for future study as well as the implications and significance of the data or study presented. Do not introduce concepts not considered in the body of the abstract.

Submit Abstracts to: by August 31,2023.